Thursday, April 28, 2011

Onto the Virtual Virtual DJ (performance)...

This performance intervention in the Matrix Online occurred on January 22, 2009...

This was Onto's very first day in the Matrix...

It all began when Onto found no immediate shelter from the prohibitive digitized weather...

Gradually, Onto began to accept this non-interactive dystopian world as part of his mundane and unquestionable reality...

With no open doors or windows in sight, he eventually sought refuge amongst the occasionally animated static-mesh squalor on the streets...

Since the found ghetto blaster contained no music (other than the world's embedded muzak), Onto gradually became bored and felt the urge to roam around the Matrix for signs of (night)life....Eventually he found a door that was slightly ajar. Curious, he managed to open it and soon enough, he discovered a corridor to Metro City's local nite-club. Onto was not sure if this was the only club in the City but he felt it was here where he could be the life of the party. Clearly, there was at least one other entity in the corridor..

it did not matter if this fellow entity appeared un-attentive...The posters on the wall indicated some exciting live events to come...Onto was curious to see where all the party-going entities were...Eagerly, he descended into the basement with the promise of booming techno music.

Certainly, the light show interested him but the place appeared unusually lifeless - even for a virtual world. The music was decent although the place certainly needed livening up, if anyone was to take a break from melee combat and engage in some melee dancing!

Onto was easily bored from dancing almost virtually alone and instead, chose to sit down for awhile and contemplate the ways he could make the venue more habitable.

As there was an extra DJ booth, Onto decided to occupy it and become the venue's house virtual virtual DJ. Onto stayed there for quite awhile...Since looks are everything in the Matrix, Onto seemed quite at home air-DJing to the was almost as if he manually pressed the play-button on the CD, adjusted the record on the Turntable and pressed the occasional key on the keyboard (or whatever was really behind this console) all by himself.

This performance event went on for approximately 30 minutes despite the complete lack of any improvement in attendance...

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